Seasons Change

Hey Guys welcome back to Java Comix! This week has been an interesting one, a lot of newly designed props and furniture have been done in the Multiverse Online Sim.

And we have a new rp saga currently ongoing. This weekend is our protégé rp involving the Younger generation of The Elite, our resident superhero team. The Elite have vanished and the Young Heroes are now forced to face many threats in their absence. And now a new threat from across the Multiverse is heading their way. Spoiler alert for those who have not kept up with the recent rp story arc. After the death of Nexus was felt across the Multiverse, many enemies of The Elite have banded together with a strange voice as their guide and have found a way to trap Nearly All the Elite in a place known as The Void.

It will be up to the remaining Younger Heroes to take a stand against this threat and find a way to bring back their Mentors.

This storyline is still unfolding so for those interested in Joining in the fun visit us in Second Life and join the rp.

This week in Elite City we have done many updates to the land. We have added brand new townhouses in the Havenport Historical District, and also finished the Havenport Police Department. And we have also added a neighboring Cyber Forensics and Investigations Building. We have also redesigned the Rescue Force Alliance Building, for Elite City’s Police Fire and Medical Center. And
we have also added a brand new Medical Bay and a Hydroponics Lab to Elite Labs and we will be adding a few more upgrades to the Elite Labs Building as we go.

These updates have been a long time in the making, and a lot more updates are coming.

As many probably know Halloween is around the corner, so this Month Multiverse Online will be giving away some toys and prizes for members to enjoy. Also coming soon is a brand new Java Comix Location for everyone to enjoy your favorite comicbooks and coffee even more.

And lastly This Sunday at 4pm SL time is the final event of a Brainiac RP Saga In the DC Justice Sim So for all you DC Comics fans be sure to visit us in Second Life to join in on all the FUN!

Thank You for joining us and be sure to visit our site at JavaComix.Online and follow us on our social networks. Also find out more about Multiverse Online at



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